Liturgy Committee

The liturgies of Queen of All Saints express and celebrate the communal Christian life we share in our commitment to Christian life we share in our commitment to Christ and gospel values.

The Liturgy Committee coordinates the liturgical celebrations of the parish. The committee consists of clergy, pastoral staff, coordinators of ministries and at large members. They usually meet the 1st Wednesday of the month in the rectory meeting room.

Members are committed to forming a faith community among themselves through prayer, study, development of communication skills, attendance at monthly meetings, liturgical workshops and days of recollection. Their ministry includes evaluation of liturgical celebrations, assessment of the needs of this worshipping community and the implementation of the norms of the universal church and the policies of the St. Louis Archdiocese according to the guidelines and directives of Vatican II.

For more information please contact:
Chairperson Deacon Joe Wingbermuehle