The Archdiocese is offering an online, live version.
Prevent & Protect STL
If you are a volunteer of ANY kind or an employee (church, school, sports, etc.) at Queen of All Saints and are not yet registered in the new system for Protecting God’s Children, please do so ASAP.
1) It is mandatory.
2) It is free to you.
3) QAS will pay for your background check.
The new system is called Prevent and Protect STL. To register, please go to www.preventandprotectstl.org. Enter the passcode stlprotect when prompted. Please complete ALL of the modules to be Approved. Step by step instructions are located on last page of today’s bulletin.
Please email the new contact, Pam VonderHaar at vonderhaarp@qasstl.org or 314-846-8207 for assistance.