With 100+ members, QAS’s St. Vincent de Paul parish conference is one of the largest of 143 conferences in the St. Louis Council that numbers over 3000 Vincentians.
The first United States conference was organized at the "Old Cathedral” in St Louis, Missouri on November 20, 1845. Worldwide the pioneering organization of first Vincentians began their work in the slums of Paris, France in 1833. Our parish SVdP, which organized February 1991, mirrors the national and international organizations in their creative way of bringing Christ to the poor. To quote our patron, St. Vincent de Paul, “Charity is infinitely inventive.” So our parish QAS members quickly established ministries traditional to the international and national societies. Some of these long-established ministries are our “Client Visitation Teams” and the “Food Pantry.” But our conference has also implemented innovative approaches created by its members (most recently the “Blanket by Faith,” “Holy Couponers,” and “Holy Bakers” ministries) which bolster our mission to reach out to the poor and needy in South County and South St. Louis.
An essential precept of the Society's work is to provide help by upholding the confidentiality and dignity of each person served. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique as often we advocate for those who are defenseless or voiceless. We work with Project PLUS, Project MORE, Places for People, Let's Start, and St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry. Needy people come to these agencies for help and some are referred to us. We call on them in their homes, assess their needs, and help with utility bills, rent, groceries, furniture, clothing and finding resources for education and job opportunities. In addition, we pray for them and with them whenever occasion allows.