The Parish Vocations Committee, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, strives to promote and encourage religious vocations within our Parish community and families, and to foster an atmosphere of respect for priests and religious through prayer, awareness, invitation, and support.
All are invited to join in praying the Rosary for vocations following 8:15am Mass on Saturday mornings.
For more information about the Parish Vocations Committee contact Debbie Barron (314-406-7157) barron04@wans.net
Vocation Chalice Program
The Vocations Pray Chalice program is in full swing. "Wherever priests and religious are scarce, nothing can substitute for them, but rather the whole community should beg for them with greater insistence, by personal and community prayer." ~Pope John Paul II
Purpose: To join together as a parish community in prayer for vocations to the priesthood and religious life and to heighten awareness of each person’s call to holiness and service.
Participation: Parishioners sign up to receive the Vocations Chalice for one week. They will pick up the Chalice and packet from Church at a weekend Mass of their choice. The Vocations Chalice should be prominently displayed in the home where the family may gather and pray daily. There is a simple pamphlet of prayers to use if you wish. On the following Friday or Saturday, the Vocations Chalice is returned to Church.
Please consider the blessings the Vocation Chalice Program will bring to you, your family, our parish, the archdiocese, and the world as we pray for an increase in vocations. Members of the Vocations Committee will be in the main vestibule of the church after weekend Masses on January 21-22 with a sign-up sheet. Please participate by signing up for a week of your choice.
For more information call or e-mail
Debbie Barron 314-406-7157